Check DB Restore Site Info Finish
Your session write path and the installation directory are not writable. One of them must be writable for the installation to continue.

Server Setup Check

Required Settings

Item Current Setting
PHP Version >= 4.3.10 Yes
- ZLib Compression Support Yes
- XML support Yes
- MySQL Support Yes
MB language is default Yes
MB string overload off Yes
configuration.php Writable Yes
You can still continue the restoration as the configuration settings will be displayed at the end. You will just have an extra step to perform to upload the code by hand. Click in the text area to highlight all of the displayed code and then Copy and Paste into a new file name it as configuration.php and upload this to your site root folder.

Optional Settings

Item Recommended Setting Current Setting
Safe Mode No Yes
Display Errors No Yes
File Uploads Yes Yes
Magic Quotes Runtime No No
Register Globals No No
Output Buffering No No
Session auto start No No


Item Current Setting
Temporary Directory
Logs Directory
Cache Directories